Blog mysteriously down

If you came to Adventures in Delicious Dating After 40 yesterday, you noticed my blog was down for a “violation of service terms.” I read the terms carefully, and couldn’t see where I had gone astray. There was no email warning. Just poof — the site is down!

WordPress’s customer service is closed on Sunday. Great! They host millions of blogs around the world, they do this with no notification, and then they’re closed. Don’t they know this is why most Internet companies have backup support in India?

This morning I got an email explaining that affiliate links on the “Best dating sites” page were the problem. That’s it. All this hullabaloo for a few banner ads on one page — out of nearly 500 postings? So now I must take off the affiliate links or move the blog to my own site. This will be invisible to you, but wanted to let you know the issue. I didn’t know this was a violation of their terms, or I would have done something different!

One reader who emailed me directly, thought the “bad date” had complained to WordPress and caused the blackout! First, if his reading skills are on the same level as his social skills, he’s illiterate. Second, with only two exceptions, none of the men I go out with even know of the blog. And since my name is not on the blog, it would be hard to link them.

So I will do what I need to do to make sure it doesn’t go down again. But I’m thinking my best solution will be to move this to my own www.DatingGoddess site. I’ll let you know when I do so if you’ve bookmarked the WordPress URL, you can change it.






8 responses to “Blog mysteriously down”

  1. Christine Avatar

    I’m very relieved to see you here today. I logged on a couple of times yesterday wondering what crazy trouble the Virgo eclipse had caused you!!

  2. hunter Avatar


    I was wondering what had happened…

  3. Rod Avatar

    Well, DG, so much for my theory that you’re actually an Al Qaeda operative using cloaked codes within your blogs, shutdown by Homeland Security for ordering a hit on that bozo from your last date.

    But hey, non admissible links works for me too… way more boring, but it works.

  4. Dating Goddess Avatar

    He wasn’t worth ordering anything — even the glass of champagne I should have left half empty and been on my way at the 30-minute mark!

    But glad you haven’t figured out my clandestine purpose and embedded messages.



  5. hunter Avatar

    to dg,

    you are too funny!!!

  6. sd Avatar

    This is not the blog you’re looking for; move along, move along…

    Links?! Wee don’ need no stinkin’ links!

  7. singlemomseeking Avatar

    Whew, thanks for letting us know… I was getting worried there.
    Thanks darling! Good to see you back this morning.

  8. maria rose Avatar
    maria rose

    i was wondering what happened i thought maybe you finally found a perfect match and was on a long honeymoon. good to see you still have your blog going just me know how i can keep it posted for my yahoo page